Our Mini Schnauzers

Our Gals


My parents

Schnauzers of the past. Some of these dogs make up parts of the pedigree of our current dogs.

Luna is the daughter of Lilly and Rave. And the grand daughter of Oz.  She has the perfect attitude and demiore and exactly what we want to see in our pedigrees. This little girl is so loveable.  She is happy to be on the trails, on the wheeler or being held by strangers.  Not much phases this gal. Health testing cleared by parantage.

Rave is the perfect blend of his parents. He is clever, eager to please and bundle of energy like his mother. But when it counts he is calm, gentle and has a good head on his shoulders in the field like his father. This boy has a great coat, confirmation, ears and tail to compliment our 3 girls and expect great things from this boy.  He is an AKC black male that has a variety of color in his pedigree. He stands @ 13".  DNA Health tested-normal

Gypsygame to us from Mo.  She is a go getter with a good attitude and a will to please. SShe is fearless in the field and has no hesitations on running with the big dogs. This girl loves the pheasant hunt  just as much as our weims!She is a smiler, too. She an AKC salt n pepper and stands @ 12". She has a great structure, coat and head.   DNA Health tested-normal

previous pups we have raised. These pups all have homes.

Our Boy

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Lilly is a go getter and so, so smart!  A cleverness she got from her mother.  She is an incredibly solid retriever and has done well in some friendly competitions with some labradors☺ She is an incredible hunter. A trait she received from her Mother.  She is a breeding between Jake and Willow. She is an AKC black n silver and stands @ 13.5".  DNA Health tested-normal

My parents & grandparents